Restaurants & Food
What to eat while in Manaus
Food in Manaus and the Amazon region is a vibrant reflection of the area’s rich cultural heritage and abundant natural resources. The cuisine here is heavily influenced by indigenous traditions, with many dishes centered around fresh, local ingredients found in the rainforest. Fish is a staple, with species like tambaqui, pirarucu, and tucunaré commonly grilled, baked, or served in stews. One of the most iconic dishes is tacacá, a tangy soup made with jambu (an Amazonian herb), tapioca, and shrimp.
Fruits in the Amazon are as diverse as the rainforest itself, with exotic varieties like açaí, cupuaçu, and guaraná enjoyed fresh, in juices, or as part of desserts. Manioc (cassava) is another essential ingredient, used in various forms such as farinha (toasted manioc flour) or tucupi, a yellow sauce extracted from the root. Street food in Manaus also reflects this diversity, with vendors offering snacks like banana fritters, pamonha (corn-based dumplings), and fried fish.
List of Restaurants in Manaus
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